28 gen 2022  Düsseldorf / Germany

Comprehensive measures to take Purposeful Growth Agenda to the next level

Press Kit

The download material is available for download here.

Conference Call



(in German)

Carsten Knobel, Henkel CEO


Lars Witteck - Head of External Communications - Corporate Communications
Lars Witteck Henkel Head of External Communications Headquarters, Düsseldorf/Germany +49-211-797-2606 press@henkel.com Scarica biglietto da visita Aggiungi alla Raccolta
Wulf Klüppelholz - Head of Media Relations - Corporate Communications
Wulf Klüppelholz Henkel Corporate Media Relations Headquarters, Düsseldorf/Germany +49-211-797-1875 press@henkel.com Scarica biglietto da visita Aggiungi alla Raccolta
Hanna Philipps - Corporate Media Relations - Corporate Communications
Hanna Philipps Henkel Corporate Media Relations Headquarters, Düsseldorf/Germany +49-211-797-3626 press@henkel.com Scarica biglietto da visita Aggiungi alla Raccolta